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Landlord Rescue: Taking Your First Step to Stabilization

Landlord Rescue: Taking Your First Step to Stabilization

If you are a serious investor, you should never strive to become anything but the best landlord. Unfortunately, choosing the wrong property management company can lead to you becoming a slum landlord.

Luckily, landlord rescue services exist to help you and your property out of a bad situation. If you want to upgrade substandard living conditions for your tenants, this guide is for you.

Keep reading to learn about landlord rescue.

What Is Landlord Rescue?

Landlord rescue is necessary when a property management company doesn't properly manage units, or when a property owner realizes they don't have the expertise required to manage properties.

An owner can transfer management to a new company better equipped to manage the units. Businesses like Kerr Properties, INC., have professional experience and resources to handle various issues.

What Do Landlord Rescue Services Do?

There are different operational tasks that landlord rescue services complete to help landlords get back on their feet. From catching up on rent to addressing code violations, there are benefits to working with professional services.

Catch Up on Overdue Rents

Landlords might find themselves backed up on rent because of the eviction moratorium. A lot of renters questioned whether or not they had to pay rent during this time because they didn't understand the process of getting government dollars.

Property managers are qualified to collect back payments from tenants who still owe rent. They can also legally evict tenants if necessary to help landlords get out of the red.

Address Code Violations

In real estate investing, being a slumlord is not only a legal issue, but you won't be making money.

When a property isn't managed correctly, your units might not be up to code. Chances are, records are maintained or up to date either.

If your property has outstanding code violations, you will be left with hefty fines. A lien is placed on the property until these fines are paid. In certain states, the government can foreclose on your investment property.

A new property management company can help owners address code violations through landlord rescue services.

Conduct Home Inspections

Property managers should conduct regular rental inspections for landlords that are unable to do so.

Home inspections can check whether or not tenants are abiding by their lease agreements. These inspections can also seek out squatters taking up residence in vacant properties.

A landlord rescue service will evict illegal tenants, clean up the property, and start conducting regular property inspections. To do this, they will start with past maintenance requests and overdue repairs.

Transfer Management to Us Today!

If you are losing money as a landlord, it might have something to do with your property manager. Transfer management to Kerr Properties, INC., to get your rentals back on track.

Our professional property manager can help with overdue rents, code violations, and regular home inspections, in addition to other tasks required to properly run a rental business.

Stop losing money and start making property income again. Contact us today to get started with landlord rescue services.
